living with diabetes

Looking After You

Diabetes affects different parts of the body, so you’ll need to see different healthcare professionals who specialise in different things. This could be a podiatrist, who’s an expert in feet and legs. Or an ophthalmologist – an eye doctor.

Knowing which specialist to contact and when can make a big difference to how you manage your diabetes. You don’t have to wait until your booked appointments, it’s about knowing what to do between appointments too.

You’re entitled to see your team at least once a year but you’ll see some of them a lot more than that.

Your diabetes healthcare team

  • GP – Your GP’s role in your diabetes care may vary, but this is the doctor who is usually your first point of contact for any health concerns. Generally, they coordinate your care and can refer you to specialists. If they’re an expert in diabetes, you might see them a lot;
  • Dietitian – This is an expert in food and nutrition who can talk to you about the right diet for you as someone with diabetes. You should always see a registered dietitian when you’re first diagnosed and you’ll then have regular reviews with them;
  • Podiatrist (foot specialist) – This is an expert in feet and legs. You’ll probably have your yearly foot check at your GP. But if there’s something that needs extra care, you may be referred to a podiatrist for this;


  • Pharmacist – This is a qualified pharmacist at your pharmacy or chemist. As well as giving you medicines and supplies on prescription, they can take a look at your medication and give you advice;
  • Eye Doctor (ophthalmologist) – This is a doctor who’s an expert in eyes. They will oversee treatments and diagnose the types of retinopathy;
  • Psychologist – Living with diabetes can be difficult. If you’re struggling with the emotional effects of diabetes, your doctor can refer you to a psychologist to talk it all through with. You’re entitled to this kind of support.

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