AiDEX Lite

Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGM)

The Diabetes Association has now launched the CGM machines.

AiDEX Lite constantly measures and records glucose levels every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day, without any fingersticks. This dynamic data can report valuable information such as glucose level trend, direction and speed fast!.

Life made easy with AiDEX Lite.

Why AiDEX Lite?

  • Accurate enough to replace a BG meter
  • Helpful Trend Chart
  • Customisable Alerts & Notifications
  • Comfortable & Easy to wear
  • Waterproof
  • 24/7 Monitoring
  • No Fingersticks
  • No-Scan Reading
  • Hi/Lo BG Alert


Accuracy & Clinical Evidence

AiDEX Lite has shown its outstanding performance in a multicenter, prospective, masked clinical study** that was conducted with 120 participants.

AiDEX Lite is perfect for your patients for their:

  • Improved glycaemic control
  • Enhanced quality of life
  • Increased self-management

Persons Can Donate Through The Following:

  • At the DATT head office in Chaguanas (10-12 Success Street Chaguanas) / sub-office in Arima (Old Hospital, Block B- Lifestyle Clinic)

  • Direct Deposit into DATT Account:

    Scotiabank of T&T
    Chequing Account
    Main Road Chaguanas
    Account No. 2408503
    Routing No. 60525

    (Please Note: The Diabetes Association would appreciate that once persons send donations via direct deposit/ bank transfer, if persons can send us an email at a with their full name, date/time of the transaction, transaction amount and transaction ID. The reason for this would be to track the funds for the CGM project in addition to acknowledgement purposes)

  • Planting Seeds Website- DATT Online Shop